Fancy some Carrageen jelly?

The other day a friend told me she was planning to eat seaweed on a visit to the Hebrides.  Apart from the fact that seaweed is an underused natural product here in Scotland, this reminded me that my mother had often told me that Carrageen jelly was a favourite childhood pudding.  Actually, I’m not sure … More Fancy some Carrageen jelly?

Deer in the Garden

This lovely photo of two young/small Sika deer in the garden at Corrarie was taken just two days ago.   There are plenty of deer in the vicinity because the area is almost enclosed by Forestry Commission ground (which is deer-fenced) so the woods and fields around Corrarie and Loch Stornaway provide a small haven. Sika … More Deer in the Garden

Jessie Livingstone

This is not strictly connected to Corrarie but instead it is a tribute to a wonderfully kind woman,  Jessie Livingstone, who was cook and housekeeper at nearby Carse House where my grandparents lived for about 50 years. Jessie was born in 1909, probably somewhere in Ayrshire (I’m not entirely sure where), and she started work … More Jessie Livingstone

Bog Myrtle

Bog Myrtle is a pungent sweet-smelling shrub that thrives in boggy areas.  It contains myrtenol and this has earned it a reputation of being effective against our home-grown secret weapon: the Argyll midge – the locally made Eureka midge repellants are a good investment if you’re coming to stay anywhere on the West Coast. But … More Bog Myrtle